Gazpacho recipe.




Main ingredients:


  • Tomato, pepper, cucumber, garlic, bread, oil and vinegar.

What can we say about the famous gazpacho? everybody knows it.

It is the famous cold soup from the south of Spain with many versions, the basic ingredients of which are the ones described above. It is an easy recipe as all you have to do is mix these ingredients in a blender or food processor, but the difficult part is to get the perfect mix of texture and flavour.

There are those who add onion, and even new formulas by adding apple, carrot and even mango, which are the latest generation of gazpachos, but the traditional formula is the one described above.

By gazpacho we mean any cold soup whose base is bread. We have the Malagueña version of ajo blanco which only contains almonds, garlic, bread and oil, but in Seville and its bars this gazpacho is not very popular.